Awards and Distinctions
Madeira voted 'Best Island Destination in the World'
Thanks to its natural wealth and tourism heritage, this archipelago has received countless national and international awards and distinctions.

"World´s Leading Island Destination"

"Europe´s Leading Island Destination"

“Sustainable tourist destination”

“Nachhaltiges Touristenziel”

“European Best Destinations”

“Best Christmas Market”
Awards and distinctions
Madeira has been elected several times as the 'Best Island Destination in the World' by the renowned World Travel Awards. This is one of the many awards that attest to the exceptional nature of this archipelago, which is increasingly recognised as one of the most attractive tourist destinations on a global scale. Come and see for yourself!

Madeira Island
There are many reasons that turn the island of Madeira into one of the most awarded tourist destinations in the world. Besides being consecutively considered by the 'Oscars of Tourism' as the best island destination in the world and/or Europe, since 2013, it has been awarded in the most diverse areas.

In recent years, this island has received awards for its excellence in areas such as culture, tradition, safety, hotels, golf and the richness of its ecosystems. In this context, we should highlight the recognition of the Laurissilva forest as a World Natural Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Awards and Distictions

“Europe´s Leading Tourist Board | Madeira Promotion Bureau"

"World's Best Emerging Golf Destination”

"Best Cruise Destination in Europe" | World Cruise Awards

"Best Cruise Destination in Europe"

"Santana Reserva Mundial da Biosfera"

"7 Natural Wonders of Portugal - "Forests and Woodlands"

"World Heritage Site - Natural Heritage of Humanity"
Porto Santo Island
Often called the 'golden island', Porto Santo has been widely awarded for the immeasurable richness of its ecosystems and its heavenly landscapes. Its golden, nine-kilometres long, sandy beach has made this small island famous all over world.

In 2022, European Best Destinations awarded it the title of 'best beach in Europe 2022'. The recognised therapeutic properties of its sandy beach and its crystal-clear turquoise waters contribute greatly to this. In addition, Porto Santo was awarded the title of Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO for its biodiversity conservation efforts.

Awards and Distictions

“Europe's Leading Beach Destination | Porto Santo”

"Best places to travel in Europe 2023"

"Best Beaches in Europe"

"Porto Santo Beach one of the safest beaches in Europe 2021"

"Porto Santo Biosphere Reserve"

"7 Wonders - Portugal Beaches -Beaches and Dunes" - Porto Santo beach"

Desertas Islands
South east of the island of Madeira there is group of three small islands called 'Desertas'. They are Ilhéu Chão, Deserta Grande and Bugio. This volcanic archipelago is one of the last strongholds of the monk seal (Monachus monachus), an emblematic species.

This area is also an important nesting centre for seabirds and has an endemic species, the Desertas tarantula (Lycosa ingens). Therefore, the Desertas Islands were classified as a Nature Reserve in 1995. They received the European Diploma for Protected Areas for their outstanding work in restoring and protecting the local environment.

Awards and Distictions

"Desertas Islands Nature Reserve" 1995
Selvagens Islands
This small archipelago consists of two main islands and several islets of volcanic origin. They are located 250 kilometres south of Madeira and are surrounded by an extensive barrier reef. These islands, bathed by pristine and warm waters, are considered a sanctuary for birds. Access to this territory is restricted.

The Selvagens Islands Nature Reserve was created in 1971 and was awarded the European Diploma for Protected Areas in 1992. In 2018, the Global Ocean Refuge System distinguished this archipelago with the GLORES award, for the scrupulous ocean protection developed this region.

Awards and Distictions

" Selvagens Islands Natural Reserve"