Santa Casa da Misericórdia
About Santa Casa da Misericórdia
Located in the town of Santa Cruz, on the east coast of the Island of Madeira, Santa Casa da Misericórdia has played a major social role for several centuries. Furthermore, this institution is housed in a building of great historical importance, which is worth getting to know.
The Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santa Cruz building displays a Mannerist hospital architectural style, having undergone several renovations since its construction, which began in 1530. It has a rectangular plan, consisting of several bodies and several gardened areas.
The side spaces have been extensively remodelled over time; however, it can be seen that they still retain two portals topped by a balcony window. Attached to the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santa Cruz, we can find the Santa Isabel Chapel, a small church that was commissioned in 1562 by merchant André Gonçalves. In addition to having a Gothic portal, it is worth entering to contemplate its main altar in gilded woodcarving.
It should also be noted that the Santa Casa da Misericórdia has, over time, provided essential charitable and health services for the well-being of the local population. Today, its connection to the community continues to be decisive.
The Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santa Cruz is housed in a building dating from the 16th century, which has a Mannerist hospital architecture. This institution plays a crucial social role.