East Coast


Piquinho Church (Caramachão)

Religious church built in 1967, in the municipality of Machico.
Church of Piquinho 1

Senhor dos Milagres Chapel

Baroque monument built on the site of a 15th century hermitage.
miracles chapel 2

São Roque Chapel

Church built in 1489 on the western side of the bay of Machico.
são roque chapel 2
Santo da Serra

Mother Church of Santo António da Serra

It was built on the site of a 16th-century chapel.
santo antónio da serra church 1
Santa Cruz

Santa Isabel Chapel

Built in 1562, it has an imposing Gothic doorway.
santa isabel chapel 5
Santa Cruz

São Pedro Church

Dating from the 16th century, it has multiple architectural and decorative elements.
Pedro Chapel 1
Santa Cruz

São Salvador Church

The second largest church in Madeira, it has a Gothic-Manueline style.
são salvador church 1
Santa Cruz

Mother Church of Santa Beatriz

Baroque church rebuilt in 1745 on the site of a 16th-century chapel.
Holy Beatrice Parish 1
Santa Cruz

Sagrado Coração de Jesus (Cardais Chapel)

From the 20th century, it presents a revivalist and popular architecture.
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Mother Church of Caniço

From 1783, with a transitional style between Baroque and Rococo.
caniço church 3

São José Chapel

Inaugurated in 1924, it is considered a Heritage Site of the Autonomous Region of Madeira.
são josé chapel 2

Camacha Parish Church

The seven pillars present in the centre of the altar recall the seven Sacraments.
camacha church 1

Mother Church of Camacha

With a Baroque and neoclassical style, it is considered to be of Municipal Interest.
camacha parish church 2

Madre de Deus Chapel

Built in 1536, it is one of the oldest Marian churches in Madeira.

Mother Church of Nossa Senhora da Luz - Gaula

Built on the site of a 16th-century church, destroyed by a fire.

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